
Financial Inclusion

Reaching out to unbanked, new-to-credit and underbanked consumers with opportunities to participate in the credit economy.

Grow your business with right-fit customers by extending credit to those with reasonable risk profiles.

Expand credit access

Establish audiences with acceptable risk profiles in an effort to help underserved consumers start building healthy credit histories.

Improve credit utilization

Identify opportunities for underbanked consumers to improve and better manage their financial health in order to achieve their life goals.

Build brand loyalty

Foster consumer credit participation to cultivate lasting relationships with them throughout their financial lives.

Problems we solve.

Meet financial inclusion objectives with smarter risk profiling frameworks

Overcome limited credit histories to extend opportunities to unbanked and underbanked consumers, including credit unserved, credit underserved and those new to credit.

  • Extend credit to consumers with little to no credit histories
  • Identify and profile consumers with low credit participation rates
  • Educate on financial literacy and empower consumers to build financial health
  • Streamline online access for underserved and unserved communities

Accelerate financial inclusion pan India

Leverage robust risk data and analytics, identity insights and financial education tools to create opportunities for underserved, unserved and new-to-credit audiences — and help them realize their financial objectives.

1. New-to-Credit Score (NTC)

Make better lending decisions with an actionable view of new-to-credit borrowers

2. FIT Rank

Assess profiles of more MSMEs with sharper risk differentiation

3. CIBIL Microfinance Score

Tap into better risk assessments of microfinance borrowers, enabling reliable evaluations that lead to better-informed credit decisions

4. CIBIL Credit and Farm Report

Help financial institutions make prudent agricultural lending decisions using credit and farm information


Successfully expanding credit access and financial inclusion to millions of Indians!

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